Unsere Tiere danken Ihnen für eine Spende!

Unser Engagement auf Lesbos findet bei der Bevölkerung Interesse und es werden uns auch Fundtiere und Welpen gebracht. So haben wir in diesem Sommer wieder viel mehrTiere als in den früheren Jahren zu versorgen. Das Welpengehege bekommt ein Dach und wir brauchen mehr Futterstellen. Viele freilebende Tiere, die regelmäßig gefüttert werden, müssen kastriert, geimpft und medizinisch versorgt werden.


Daher freuen wir uns über jede Spende zur Unterstützung unserer Projekte. Vielen Dank!




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When your dog arrives at your home....

Dear pet owners,


You have just received your pet, which you have been waiting for for such a long time, the joy is great....the expectations too.


How will your pet behave? Please don't be disappointed if everything doesn't go as expected....denn you should think about the following scenario:


Imagine you are locked in a box today and flown out of your civilisation into the jungle....


...the climate is different, food different, friends and family gone, different smells, different sounds, different dangers, different environment, different people....


How would they feel???  ...now you also have an idea how your dog feels.


What could happen in the first time when your dog comes to you:


Dog scared - creeps up, won't come out of the box (don't force the animal out, it has to come by itself....this can, under certain circumstances, take a day).


Dog gets diarrhoea....Change of food and travel stress are usually to blame.


Dog does not do his business outside, but in your living room.....the impressions are so varied that he simply forgets to do his business.


Dog does not eat.....uncertainty, do not push, if he is hungry he will eat.


Dog is fearful and hides, when meeting other dogs....the puppies have only been with other puppies, they have not had direct encounters with older dogs, so be patient. With young dogs and adult dogs it will mostly be uncertainty, due to the new living situation.


If you are unsure of what to do, give us a call.


We open WhatsApp groups before each arrival, to which everyone is invited. Here, impressions and photos can be shared, but also questions can be asked to us.


It is better to ask once more than to do something wrong or be annoyed...we are always available.


But please remember, we are all volunteers and still have a job and family....the answers can take a few hours.